Hi there, you’re very welcome to my website.

I’m Colette Murney, the author of ‘The Virgin’s Prophecy,’ a book born from a strange but wonderful series of visions in ‘Mary’s House’ in Ephesus.

I must warn you, however, it’s controversial and will probably challenge your traditional religious beliefs. But I promise you, the knowledge is important for our future. You need to understand it, as the potential changes to our world would be extraordinary.

When you’ve looked through the website, please contact me at thevirginsprophecy@gmail.com if you have any questions. I’ll do my best to answer them and I’ll also send you the first chapters of the book including the prologue which tells the story of my experiences with Mary and her nephew, John the Apostle, in their home on Mount Koressos.

I look forward to hearing from you.

The Virgin’s Prophecy is available from Amazon and AuthorHouse.

3 thoughts on “Hi there, you’re very welcome to my website.

  1. Congratulations Colette, my traditional religious beliefs have shifted and I’m wide awake. I can’t wait to read your book 😊 ❤ 💖

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